Applications Close Soon:


What if you could get really clear direction on what to do in your business without compromising your integrity

so that you can finally create the impact you know you’re called to make.

Does this sound like you?

What if I told you there was a better way?

A way to do business with grace and ease, teaming up with Jesus, and keeping your integrity intact.

Doing what’s really in your heart to do instead of compromising because the “experts” told you to.

Treating people well and overdelivering on everything you do without worrying about losing money.

Feeling that deep satisfaction that can only come from living your purpose and following His path for you.

Kind words from current clients.

Are you ready to join the ultimate mentorship so you can get the results you've been looking for?

let's go with yes!

The Kingdom Entrepreneur Mentorship

8 Weeks of 1 on 1 mentoring where we will seek God’s purpose for your business, His direction for your next steps, and His heart for you as a leader.


Here's what's included:

My commitment to focus on a small group of women for 8 weeks so that you can have my undivided help to reach your goals.

1-1 Private Calls

Weekly 30 minute 1-1 calls with me to flesh out your business plan, steps to take, and how to reach your goals.

M-F Messenger Access

Access to me Monday to Friday for any questions you have or support you need so that you’re never stuck.

Weekly Group Prayer

Every week we’ll meet together as a small group to pray through any issues or needed direction. 

Here's how it works.

As Kingdom Entrepreneurs we should be seeking direction straight from the Holy Spirit. That being said, there is still room for seasons of mentorship.



Fill out the application.

I know the Lord has very specific women in mind for this mentorship so I will prayerfully consider every application.

Ultimately it’s up to Him who gets in this time around. There are very limited spots available.



Let's chat.

I will spend 15 minutes with every applicant to ask & answer questions.

You’ll get an email with a link to book a free call with me once you submit your application.



Let's get started.

The mentorship starts on September 18th, 2023 and will go to November 10th, 2023.

Those chosen for this mentorship will be contacted as soon as possible.

Kind words from current clients.

Hi there, I'm Meggan!

I tried to succeed as an entrepreneur for over a decade before finally teaming up with Jesus and watching Him blow my business up (in a good way!)

I made over $200,000 in less than two years and then I took my eyes off of Jesus and I lost everything.

Now I know what I did wrong and most importantly, how to help others avoid my mistakes.









And just so we're clear...
(Because I don't believe in wasting time)

You're in the right place if:

You're in the wrong place if:

You've got Q's? I've got A's.

I’ve tried to anticipate commonly asked questions but we’ll also chat privately if you still have some.

Yes definitely. I will pull from my 16 years of entrepreneurial experience to give you the strategies I’ve personally used to succeed. That combined with prayer is where the secret sauce is.

Yes, absolutely. Within reason of course because I can’t do the middle of the night! I want to accommodate any time zone so we will find a time that works for both of us.

I really can’t say for sure. My direction is coming from the Holy Spirit directly so if He directs me to do another one then I absolutely will.

As of right now there are only 5 spots available. I really want to be able to focus on just these five women. So unless the Lord tells me otherwise, that’s what I’m sticking with.

That’s totally fair and I know the only people asking this are ones who have never worked with me before. Between me and the Holy Spirit, I know that we’ve got you. Ask Him if this is right for you. That’s the only way you’ll know for sure.

You can expect some crystal clear direction on what your next steps to take will be. A solid plan for what to focus on, and a mentor who will be praying for you daily for 8 weeks (if not more).


Kingdom Entrepreneur Mentorship

$116.17/week for 6-weeks
or 1 payment of $597

Mentorship Application Form

If you've still got questions for me or want to chat, please email me anytime! I'd love the chance to chat further, no pressure, I promise.


More About Me!

I published my first book in 2020 and went on to publish several more books within a year. I write fiction and non fiction and love to help others write and publish books as well.

I was adopted as a baby, have gone through stage four metastatic cancer, and nearly lost my life during my last pregnancy due to placenta percreta. I believe that we go through difficult circumstances so that we can reach back into the fire with buckets of water to help others.

My life ambitions include expanding my non profit organization to provide financial relief to families going through an unexpected medical crisis, building safe haven homes for women and their children escaping domestic violence situations, and learning how to homestead in order to become more self sufficient.



I dropped out of high school in the 11th grade, switched to an alternate school and was valedictorian the following year.


I met my husband on a sort of blind date when I was 15 and have been in love with him ever since (married for nearly 15 years now!).


I’ve always homeschooled my three amazing kids because I genuinely love getting to hang out with them every day.